Monday, February 18, 2008

Oil Paintings

Gopala, 14th Sept, 1998
This was my very first oil painting which I did way back in 1998. Actually I started the sketch as early as 1997, but for some reason or other I could not proceed to painting. So I packed this canvas and kept it in my storage for almost 2 long years. Then sometime in late 1998, I took it out and painted it. Eventhough this picture is un-remarkable, I was happy that I could depict the compassion and love in the eyes of Gopal and his calf. Also the smile is quite angelic and devine. I gifted this painting to one of my best friend and this picture stands on an altar in her prayer room even today!! I'm so flattered :-)

Boy and Girl
Anonymous, 14th Feb, 2001
I was on a trip to India for couple of months during late 2000. I spotted a street vendor selling some nice posters outside my house. In one of the posters, the simple and innocent love encircling the kids caught my attention. I did not know who the real artist was as nothing was printed in the poster. I did not know how to paint or draw. So I drew a graph on the canvas, copied the picture and then started to apply oil paint directly. Well, I used thick layers of paint and very less oil. I was not happy at the result and many times I had to repaint certain areas like the girl’s and boy’s face. If anyone who knew how to paint would take a look at my work, they would say it is pathetic. But nonetheless, I would say I did reasonably a good job considering the fact that I never learnt painting that time. After painting this picture I realized two things - first, I came to know that I do have little talent for fine arts and secondly, I decided to learn painting somehow later in my life.

Mama Mia
Mama Mia, 14th Feb, 2005
I painted this picture from an audio CD cover of Mama Mia -Broadway musical. Though it did not turnout very well, I did enjoy a lot painting this beautiful picture.

Can And Cube, 26th Aug, 2005
This is the only painting I ever really learnt from an art teacher. Christopher Leib was my instructor. He's very talented, patient and a nice person. Unfortunately my busy schedule did not allow me to continue the classes. Probably, sometime in my life I'll be able to start again